Going Steady – From a man and a woman’s point of view

Going Steady (Vazna znamost) is two short films based on one story. A couple goes to spend a weekend at their cottage, but their relationship is not in the best shape. And then a third person arrives.


Klara Sodomkova (now Juzova) and Martin Juza made those two films. She shot her story from the female character’s point of view and Martin chose the male character’s point of view. And together they create a space for discussion about relationships and the views and experiences from both a man’s and woman’s world.


We did a tour and visited 14 towns in Czech republic doing 37 projections with Going steady. We chose small venues like cafes and small projection rooms to create an intimate place for the discussion after the films. The audience always participated, and the discussions were often longer than the films themselves. And it was also a big lesson in relationships for us. Thank you!

Going Steady microsite here.