Little Eve: Stories of Planet Earth is an adventure film about mammals and their evolution.
- Genre: Adventure animated film
- Audience: 5 – 8 years
- Length: 25 minuted
- Technology: Full dome 3D CG, 6K
- Supported by Czech Film Fund – Development and production
- Supported by South Moravian Film Fund
- Partners: Planetum (CZ), Experimenta (DE), D&D Pictures (JP)
- Expected premiere: Q4/2024
- Director: Klára Jůzová
- Cinematography: Ondřej Nedvěd
- Illustration: Martina Svojíková
- Art director: Noemi Valentíny
- Lead animator: Jáchym Hrubý
- Editor: Filip Veselý, Timotej Rajniš
- Script: Pavel Gotthard
- Production manager: Filip Veselý
- Line producer: Barbora Bartíková, Eva Kameníková
- Producer: Martin Jůza